AGB AGH alex zafer All Guild analog analogue Art Art Gallery of Burlington AV Festival Awards B&W Black & White Board Meeting Book Cover Burlington Culture Days camera camera bag Cars Christmas Curator cyanotype darkroom deadline developing Digital Group Eastman Double 5222 Elections Evaluation film Film Photography Project Fireside Floral General Meeting green screen Guest Speaker How&why? Intake International Introduction Italy kaleidoscope lighting Lightroom Mark Zelinski masters Multiple exposures negative Neil Ever Osborne New Exposures New Members old Old Masters outing Photo Art Photo Weekend portrait portraiture post-processing Potluck presentation printing processing ProShow results retouching Richard Martin Rotary Room sale Saturday Seminar session silver gelatin smartphone Social split-grade Steve Richard street photography studio studio group submissions talk traditional process Valens Conservation Video Workshop
All members in good standing are welcome. If you are interested in attending, please email Derek Bottomley for the Zoom invitation.
All members in good standing are welcome. If you are interested in attending, please email Derek Bottomley for the Zoom invitation.
All members in good standing are welcome. If you are interested in attending, please email Derek Bottomley for the Zoom invitation.
During this fun mini-workshop, we share ideas about alternative processes in photography and expanding our bag of tricks.
Hosted by Cheryl Hoffmann.
Intake cut-off for Annual Awards
6 images, any combo of digital and prints, may be submitted to the Annual Awards.
The submissions may be:
- Images that have been submitted to the earlier Evaluations in the year.
- Images submitted earlier that have been edited.
- New images that the member wishes to enter.
Entries are due by 11:59 pm May 13th.
Coordinator: Tom McCormack
All members in good standing are welcome. If you are interested in attending, please email Derek Bottomley for the Zoom invitation.
All members in good standing are welcome. If you are interested in attending, please email Derek Bottomley for the Zoom invitation.