AGB AGH alex zafer All Guild analog analogue Art Art Gallery of Burlington AV Festival Awards B&W Black & White Board Meeting Book Cover Burlington Culture Days camera camera bag Cars Christmas Curator cyanotype darkroom deadline developing Digital Group Eastman Double 5222 Elections Evaluation film Film Photography Project Fireside Floral General Meeting green screen Guest Speaker How&why? Intake International Introduction Italy kaleidoscope lighting Lightroom Mark Zelinski masters Multiple exposures negative Neil Ever Osborne New Exposures New Members old Old Masters outing Photo Art Photo Weekend portrait portraiture post-processing Potluck presentation printing processing ProShow results retouching Richard Martin Rotary Room sale Saturday Seminar session silver gelatin smartphone Social split-grade Steve Richard street photography studio studio group submissions talk traditional process Valens Conservation Video Workshop
Led by Don Mallory, at the AGB, in the darkroom.
This workshop is open to anyone with an interest to learn traditional black & white printing processes.
Click here for more information.
Sign up for this workshop here.
This is a hands-on workshop that will introduce participants to the process of enlarging and printing photographic images from negatives in a traditional wet darkroom. Attendees will be introduced to safe practices in the darkroom, print-developing chemistry and equipment and the process of producing a silver gelatin print. Experienced attendees will be introduced to more advanced printing techniques such as split-grade printing.
This workshop is open to anyone with an interest to learn traditional black & white printing processes. Bring a roll of black & white film negatives to work with. (Don't have any, but still interested? Get in touch; there are negatives available for learning printing processes as well!) You need to sign up for this workshop. To do so, you will need to email and confirm your availability.
At the AGB in the Darkroom.
Tuesday February 5th, 7:30-9:30 @ AGB
There will be no charge for non-members to attend.
To find out more about this event, please click here.